★ The 2022 LIFT 4 Autism Auction is LIVE! ★

The entire catalog, including my donation of the complete Flor de Muerto Series and a special edition of Worth Every Second,
is available here:
Complete Catalog: http://charityauction.bid/LiftAuction2022
International Catalog: https://bit.ly/Lift2022IntlCatalog
(Bidding closes Friday, April 29 at 5:00 pm EST.)
The online auction features signed paperbacks, hardcovers, full series sets, out-of-print covers, annotated copies, personal one-on-one Zoom/Skype calls with some of your favorites . . . and MORE, all donated by authors, narrators, publishers, bloggers, and readers. Just people who wanted to be a part of something to help autism families through their charitable partner, Kulture City.
★And if you don’t win your bid or want to bid, you can STILL be involved!
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation using this link to our Kulture City Scholarship fund: https://bit.ly/LiFTGive2022
No amount is too small and every bit helps!
Buy LiFT Merch: https://lift4autism.creator-spring.com/
(all proceeds go to the LIFT Scholarship fund)
★ Here’s some FAQ about the auction and the bidding process that may prove helpful http://lift4autism.com/auctionfaq/